Dear Parents/Guardians,

A selection of the Year 6 6’s, have written their wish list and their goals. Read on and see what they would like to happen.

Mohamed: I want to participate in winter sports, cycling, go-karting and bowling. I would like to go on camp and ride on a camel at our school’s Eid Festival.

Hassan: I would like to do go-karting. I would like to improve my reading.

Ibrahim: In Year 6, I would like to go on camp and I also want to do go-karting.

Ava: I want to enjoy camp. I want to have lots of fun because it will be my last year.

Mahnoor: I want to spend the last year of primary school with my class. I also want to enjoy our amazing camp (Thanks Ms Height and Mrs. Malhi) with my friends for the last time.

Sibel: I want to do camp and do good in my studies and on excursions. I also want to have a good year with friends.

Miss Meagan Height
Year 6 Teacher